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5 Ways to Make Your Home More YOU Post-Divorce

Updated: Jun 26

One of the things that can help you move on and heal from divorce is making your home or your new space yours. Creating a space that reflects who you are and brings you comfort and joy can have a profound impact on your emotional wellbeing.

Let's explore a few ways you can clear the negative energy from your home and create a space that feels positive and uplifting.

1. Declutter - The first step to clearing negative energy from your home is to declutter. A cluttered home can create a sense of chaos and confusion, which can be particularly challenging when you are trying to heal. Take some time to go through each room in your home and get rid of anything that no longer serves you. Tuck away photos, or other items that no longer serve you. By decluttering your home, you will create more space and a sense of calm.

2. Cleanse - Once you have decluttered your home, it's time to cleanse it of negative energy. There are several ways to do this, but one of the most effective is through smudging. Smudging is a Native American practice that involves burning sage or other herbs to purify the air and create a positive energy flow. To smudge your home, you will need a smudge stick, a fireproof dish, and a lighter. Simply light the smudge stick and let it burn for a few seconds before blowing out the flame. Then walk around your home, waving the smudge stick in each room and letting the smoke fill the space. As you do this, visualize the negative energy being cleared away and replaced with positive energy. Another way to clear negative energy from your home is through the use of crystals. Crystals have been used for thousands of years to heal and protect the body, mind, and spirit. Some of the most effective crystals for clearing negative energy include black tourmaline, amethyst, and clear quartz. You can place these crystals around your home in areas where you feel negative energy is most prevalent.

3. Take up all the space - For example, if you have double sinks in your bathroom, consider repurposing the extra sink by placing a tray over it and using it for your bath items, or make up. Move in to the empty side of the closet. Sleep in the middle of the bed. These are things that will not only give you extra space, but will also eliminate the negative (empty) space in your home that might make you feel down.

4. Make it YOU - Bring positive energy into your home by creating a space that feels uplifting and inspiring to you. This could include adding fresh flowers, colorful artwork, or a cozy throw blanket to your living room. You might also consider rearranging your furniture or adding new accent pieces to create a sense of flow and harmony in your home. By surrounding yourself with things that bring you joy, you will create a positive energy flow that can help you heal and move on from your break-up.

5. Consider a vision board - You might be going through a rough time right now, but your future is all bright and shiny! Consider what makes you feel hopeful and excited about your new life and pin up photos that remind you of this vision. For example, if you dream of traveling, find pictures of your dream destination and pin them on your board. Buy a book about where you want to go and place it on your coffee table or night stand. I use a glass vision board with little magnets so I can consistently change my board (on Amazon, here the LINK) Plus it's pretty 🌺.

Making your home while you're going through this time is an essential step in the healing process. By decluttering, smudging, using crystals, and creating a positive energy flow, you can clear negative energy from your home and create a space that feels supportive and nurturing. Remember that healing takes time, and it's okay to take small steps each day to create a space that reflects who you are and brings you comfort and joy.

Love & Light,



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